
Gujarati Brocade Saree

Gujarati Brocade Saree
Gujarati Brocade Saree ou Gujarati Brocade Sári é um tipo de Sári Indiano, extremamente caro e virtualmente extinto. "Um sári é um traje nacional das mulheres indianas, constituído de uma longa peça de pano que envolve e cobre todo o corpo. São utilizados cerca de 6 metros de tecido."
Fonte: Wikipédia
Gujarati Brocade
Gujarati Brocade are extremely expensive and virtually extinct Indian Sarees. "A Saree (Sari or Shari) is a female garment in the Indian Subcontinent. Is a strip of unstitched cloth, ranging from four to nine metres in length that is draped over the body in various styles. The most common style is for the sari to be wrapped around the waist, with one end then draped over the shoulder baring the midriff."
Source: Wikipedia
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